
Showing posts from April, 2017

React - 2017 - web dev

React - 2017 - web dev Not long ago I was in a conf session which group by a brunch of passionate javascript developer. Somehow I was managed to have conversation with a few of them, some interest finding are they tend to pick the first Dev topic which is related to "React". I am not so sure why it matters to every developer in the room at that moment. My impression of React is 1. Facebook 2. Abstracting the DOM element life cycle Note that I did not put "Fast" as one of my impression. We will come back to that point. Stay with me. Could we try using React in production of HKTVmall Website ? The answer would be NO. Following would be a bit of explanation together with how to make it possible for a YES answer. What if React does not existed? ES6 would not be blending in so quick. (You could use ES5 with react, but it looks stupid to me.) With ES6, I could code faster. However you probably need a bit of time to pickup the beauty, try with Egghead in her...