
Showing posts from January, 2014

波TON記 - 興趣

身邊朋友多,多數問我撈咩既時候。。。我心入面有幾個答案浮現。排名不分先後: 做it programmer freelancer 寫iphone apps 創業 manager web developer Agent software engineer  跟住之後下一句會係 “咁姐係做d咩呀?” 之後我又會係上面個list入面再pick out令一個“答案” 大家有冇聽過 Developer Evangelist  一個大家相當冇概念既名詞 想分享下小伙子我既兩年成長路。。。。。。。。 我叫李浩朗,人叫我做波Ton,畢業於2010年科大,修讀computer science information engineering。 未上大學前,唔知咩叫programming,但係好想做network方面既野,好想做it方面既野,結果係大家煩惱選咩科既時候,我就早早決定要讀it。 科大三年,由想programming變得十分害怕programming,頭兩年成績差,要學既野多,吸收唔切。二來有好多“勁人”,那時我覺得他們很柒,一心係到“屈機”。 到第三年時,我來了一股衝勁,成績特然進步,拎到好成績既科係關於networking 同security。我當時拎到好成績唔係因為冇勁人,唔係因為“易”,係因為。。。。 “興趣” “興趣” - 能夠推動一切 到畢業時,我未開始搵工,因為我唔知想做咩好。 做programmer? 做it support? 繼續讀? 係充滿問號既時候我選擇左睇埋個世界杯先。 我愛隊荷蘭最後輸比西班牙一幕後,我決定試下做programmer,進駐左一間叫中銀保誠既mpf信託公信。 當時我月入一萬零五百,interview 既時候我個manager問我係唔係識做mobile app,我答話“係”。 我當時洗濕左過頭,冇得返轉頭。。。結果係短短三個月後,中銀保誠成為第一間mpf信託公司係app store出左個iphone app。 係三個月入面,我學懂了iphone app既野,學懂了server side既野。 正因為這樣,我為了我既同事兼朋友做了令一個iphone app - 聖經金句。 個app對於冇信仰既人不值一提 (我自己都冇信仰),個app出左街後,個downlo

串流 - RTMP - NGNIX (一)

繼上一篇講既串流概括 今次講3樣野 1)RTMP 串流 2)Google Compute Engine 3)Ngnix Server 除了上次講既6種方法,當中有一種講少左(當然仲有其他啦) RTMP - 由 Macromedia 開發 (而家係adobe)- 睇"波 "一般都會用到 今次我地既問題係點樣先可以 串流一段live片 出街呢。 方法: Live input(劇集) -> Server(Linux Machine or Windows) -> client(mobile phone, flash player) 睇得深入d: Some kind of Format input -> Converter (frameRate, Encoding, Decoding) -> Output File -> Some Kind of Streaming-In protocol  -> Some kind of Receiving Server -> Some Kind of Streaming-Out Protocol -> Some Kind of Media Player 我地會用既方案: hunter.mp4 -> ffmpeg -> hunter.flv -> RTMP -> Linux,Google Compute Engine,Ngnix -> RTMP ->   Flash,jwplayer 首先用ffmpeg converter 去轉條 mp4片做flv 先, 然後用rtmp制式stream去GCE到,大概一秒800Kb 左右 條片(每秒800kb)到左server就會開始live stream 當我用個flash jwplayer去connect 上server,條片就會出現啦 因為係live,條片會係 跟返stream in 緊既時間。 Q&A 咩係ffmpeg? 轉片神器 !  點解要用RTMP? 因為可以用flash player去播,易set 係咪一定要用RTMP? 唔係,其他

串流 - 電視 - 技術

Wiki Wiki Wiki  ( 人地個名係ricky呀。。。) 近排學習緊串流既歷史 姐係幾時開始有 mytv, OTT。 mytv 用咩技術呀。 有咩唔好有咩好。 係外國既情況係點呀。

Prototype - 9send

[A summary write up of my prototype, checkout the full list in here ] 9send - since 2012 Objective: Using receiver's DropBox, Google Drive, SkyDrive as a Mail Box targeting large data File that email attachment isn't satisfied. Therefore, sender do not need a cloud account since receiver already had it ready for all trusted sender. Challenge: Make Sure only Trusted Sender is allowed to upload file to receiver account. Build platform: node.js, HTML5, iOS Application, Chrome Extension How: Receiver install the 9send app on his/her mobile devices and approved the app modify their cloud storage specified folder. Every time a sender wish to send a large file to receiver, our chrome extension app will be ready to pick the correct receiver by inputting the name or email. What the chrome extension does is streaming large file to the server side of our 9send backend and at that moment, the receiver will receive a push notification on the mobile to either accept or decline t

Bonus Speed - Profiling - 快!(上)

有冇試過同人講自己寫既program好很快?但係又唔知有幾快呀。 有冇“朋友”行埋來同你講叫你咁咁咁就會快d,但係佢講既野又係9up多ga。 又有冇試過冇啦啦食曬你部機d ram 呀,但係你又唔知邊q個問題喎。 因為大家未試過profiling 吧。 講真,有時用個profiler check一check, 一試便知龍 與鳳 這個道理大家又點會唔明白呀~ 問題係做完試完改完,個老細又唔會加你人工,最多咪講句thank you(on9)=[ 不過,你一生唔會得一個老細,為下一個老細加油吧!轉工急先鋒!上!