
Showing posts from May, 2017

TypeScript - Mobx - React

You probably asking why we use different approach to build a webapp again. Last time we talk about babel, however it is not something I like to stick with. Why TypeScript? I need to solve 2 major problems: Highly maintainable code  Good IDE support I find using Typescript could solve both at the same time while making another prototype, showroom repo : It does help on navigating around using VSC when typescript is there. Could there be any alternative solution? Yes, we could use JSDoc and flow  (I haven't try yet) Why Mobx? I feel Mobx  did a great job comparing with Redux. Why? Redux has too much concept with it. One thing I do not agree is mixing Immutable concept into a framework. It is better to do single step at a time. We shall talk about ImmutableJS in later post. Again you should not think Mobx is great because it mix with React!!!!! React is not needed! Why React (again)...