
TypeScript - Mobx - React

You probably asking why we use different approach to build a webapp again. Last time we talk about babel, however it is not something I like to stick with. Why TypeScript? I need to solve 2 major problems: Highly maintainable code  Good IDE support I find using Typescript could solve both at the same time while making another prototype, showroom repo : It does help on navigating around using VSC when typescript is there. Could there be any alternative solution? Yes, we could use JSDoc and flow  (I haven't try yet) Why Mobx? I feel Mobx  did a great job comparing with Redux. Why? Redux has too much concept with it. One thing I do not agree is mixing Immutable concept into a framework. It is better to do single step at a time. We shall talk about ImmutableJS in later post. Again you should not think Mobx is great because it mix with React!!!!! React is not needed! Why React (again)...

React - 2017 - web dev

React - 2017 - web dev Not long ago I was in a conf session which group by a brunch of passionate javascript developer. Somehow I was managed to have conversation with a few of them, some interest finding are they tend to pick the first Dev topic which is related to "React". I am not so sure why it matters to every developer in the room at that moment. My impression of React is 1. Facebook 2. Abstracting the DOM element life cycle Note that I did not put "Fast" as one of my impression. We will come back to that point. Stay with me. Could we try using React in production of HKTVmall Website ? The answer would be NO. Following would be a bit of explanation together with how to make it possible for a YES answer. What if React does not existed? ES6 would not be blending in so quick. (You could use ES5 with react, but it looks stupid to me.) With ES6, I could code faster. However you probably need a bit of time to pickup the beauty, try with Egghead in her...

GAE - How to make a Free(Cheap) application

If you are paying huge or frustrating scaling out on your Web Application. Looking for "Cloud Solution", and your Team wish to give a try on Google App Engine. Wait... don't. not until you have learn the following things. What mistakes I made in the past 3 years with GAE ( worshiplace , BioCRF ) have given me a lot to share. Maybe there are more coming lol. 1. De-normalise datastore (ndb) "JOIN" is never gonna work in Google NoSQL Datastore - ndb. In theory, "JOIN" will cost you (in terms of money/quota) a lot. What could you do about it? de-normalise your table. Never do a second lookup will save you a lot(its depends, for BioCRF report generation save ~50% db read). Or you could choose Google Cloud SQL. It is not free, we will discuss that in the next post on "COST" 2. Take advantage on Backend Instances Hours I won't use frontend instance for serval things. e.g. report task, email task. Don't forget there are limitat...

HKTV life - The End

It has been a while that I left from my post - HKTV Senior Programmer. I joined the team in 2014, and with 9 members, Anthony, Toby, Terence, Ning, Terry, Vincent, Rex, Keith, Jacky. Where I met the best ever colleagues each with incredible talent. So what happened? Why leaving the best position you could have. Let's start from a bit of history first.

HKTV life - the beginning [written a year ago]

This post was written in April, 2015. I was on vacation and in the ship traveling from Split to Hvar. And somehow I left it hidden for a year before posting in here. Anyway, this is what I felt like back in the day working as programmer in HKTV, the best ever experience. ********************************************************************************************* It has been a long time since my last post. What I have been doing so far is fun and full of excitement. For those who still not known, I have change my daily role and work for HKTV as a programmer. A job that I fully committed. I would say working in here is absolutely the best choice out there in HK. We work as hard as we could to deliver the best experience to HK - a place that I live and love . Let's sum up my HKTV life in here. During the past 11 months, I work with the iOS team and bring the first application of hktv OTT (TV)and hktvmall (shopping) on iPhone and iPad . this has been a challenge for both the d...

Bonus speed - Profiling - 快!(下)

上一集 我地高呼左cProfiler (python) 今集會集中講下java 首先,小伙子我未有同java結成伴侶。 因為未有火花住。所以還望大家指教一下如有不是!

民意 - 身份 - 真偽

前言 還記得上次有個由中大搞既“民間全民投票計畫” ( PopVote )嗎?  呢~問我地普選果次呀! 但係。。。個app出左個“問題”  (問題?!可能係特登呢XD) 就係有“學者”指出個app有機會由false identity 去做d result出來 情況就好似有好多forum比d分身洗版一樣。。。 第二個問題係個app唔會對比人既身分 情況就好似你偷用你呀哥身份證去買酒飲咁。。。。。 今次我地會睇下有冇解決方法~~