
Showing posts from 2013

Reverse Engineering - Intro

Reverse Engineering by wiki Reverse engineering  is the  process  of discovering the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure,  function , and operation. [1]  It often involves disassembling something (a  mechanical device ,  electronic component , computer program, or biological, chemical, or organic matter) and analyzing its components and workings in detail - for either purposes of maintenance or to support creation of a new device or program that does the same thing, without using or simply duplicating (without understanding) the original. in Programmer World : it means 1.Wondering 2. Hacking  3.Cracking   其實小學3年級既時候。。。已經做full time hacker既我地。。。你還記得幾多? RE (reverse engineering) 其實小學雞年代已經開始應用。。。  打pocketmon 年代,我又唔知邊到聽返來話去save隻野中間reboot部機就會多左隻copy既野。 到左 我地打diablo 既時候,開頭最需要既係咩呀? 錢呀ma ,咁我地咪用非正常既方法去搵錢,game master大家仲有印象可? 跟住還有很多掛機呀,cd key gen 呀, 改機,刷rom,好多好多,好多野都同RE有關。 ...

知識產權 - Copyright - OpenSource license

Merry Christmas  ! 因為近排有好多時間 ( 邊會有可能呀。。。) 所以pickup左openstreetmap (OSM) 做左一連串既study。 問題係。。。我有冇合法合理地用呢? Since ... I am not a lawyer, My words are not meant to be definite True ! But why not make a discussion about what we are coding with?!=] First, we need to understand what is intellectual Property (知識產權). 知識產權v.智慧財產︰法律翻譯/傳譯的重要性 - by Open U 上面段片係中文,50分鐘, 提供一個基本既知識 (通識題) Now what happen if Copyright applying on User Life . We have seen many Terms And Condition in Daily life when installing sth like iTunes, MS Office, or activated your icloud Account, iphone devices etc . We didn't Fully Read (I don't) , and we don't see a huge problem so far. But What if that apply to Programmer Life? we have licenses - BSD, MIT, GPL, ODbl, CC and each of them (may) have different Version, extension such as - CC-BY-SA, GPL v2.0 etc 問題係。。。有licenses係唔係一定係有法律約束,如有,係邊個國家既法律,起訴人係邊個,有幾多案例? 。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。。。 。。。。 。。 。 我搵來搵去都搵唔到由hong k...

CUHK X Google - Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Program (EYE Program)

詳情如下: 講多無謂,報名實際! p.s. Didn't have much time on blogging recently, mainly because of researching on Reverse Engineering - i.e. how to crack / hack =] I'm wondering how many ppl has done this on iPhone app / android app in here? how about cracking on TVB fun app to find out how the security looks like. Is the encryption protecting the user's data well enough? It should be a fun way to learn =P

Programming Course Outline - BJC

Since it will be targeting a novice student to pickup their programming knowledge, we will build/learn things from ground up. p.s. I am not a specialist in every kind of aspect, The purpose of doing those is not trying to impress people of what I am capable of. (More on this in Later Post). We are looking for feedback, criticise whatever that could make the course be more useful for our student. Feel free to drop me a line. Be a Programmer Operating System Choosing  - Linux Vs. Windows  Development Setup - IDE, SDK, Complier  Fundamental Programming Intro - Why need Programmer What is Programming Language What is Class What is Types What is For-loop and While and If Else condition What is Functions File Input/Output What is OOP What is Inheritance What is Divide and Conquer , Recursion What is Sorting What is Pointer iOS Application What is Mobile Application Programming Language in Mobile Application Industry How to Start Building an App...

Long Time No Blog -- How to Teach

There is one thing keep popping up in my head recently... "How to Teach!" It is so difficult to outline a course that target a youth age student to learn programming. Therefore, I write up something to let people add in their thought. Before we going in, Let me explain why I want to teach first. "It's a WAR, We need Soldiers " I guess I have been joined this war by few years now. A war that need to fight in my entire life. It is not easy to keep programming in different aspect. I said to myself every time when I walk into unknown zone, such as the first time dive into Django, figuring out mail server, beating the JavaScript up etc. I know I need a teammate, I need people take cover me while in the war. Therefore, I want to train up my soldier. Easy~ "Call of Duty" It is training course to inspire youth student (~16yrs). Able to develop program and work with other people after the course. Would that be easy? Yes. "Where ...

From iOS To Android - IDE

Introduction I have been work on iOS, cocoa framework for a certain period. And I........ haven't done any stuff on Android although I have been following the changes on android among these days. Therefore, I am going run through some simple workflow and see how they are different.

Let's Start the First Entry... Google Code Jam

Learn by challenging  Anyone like programming should go and challenge yourself ...... But how!? Every year there is a contest organise by Google, they named it "Google Code Jam". I don't know why, but i like the name so much !!! so Let's JAM it ! First, I'm not an expert on those questions (I'm only a baby on those =]). But I like the way they organise the question...... They start from easy, and test your ability on different aspect, such as File I/O, data types and structure, sorting, efficience of algorithm, memory etc. Thats help you get to the thinking of "How myself so shit on this!" "Why sorting so hard with different data structure" "Should I use an object instead of an int array for those data" etc. Hopefully, you will know which part of yourself need to enhance during the contest. Some people write awesome explanation on those questions. My suggestion is don't read the answer right from the beginni...