知識產權 - Copyright - OpenSource license

Merry Christmas  !

因為近排有好多時間 ( 邊會有可能呀。。。) 所以pickup左openstreetmap (OSM) 做左一連串既study。 問題係。。。我有冇合法合理地用呢?

Since ... I am not a lawyer, My words are not meant to be definite True ! But why not make a discussion about what we are coding with?!=]

First, we need to understand what is intellectual Property (知識產權).
上面段片係中文,50分鐘, 提供一個基本既知識 (通識題)

Now what happen if Copyright applying on User Life .
We have seen many Terms And Condition in Daily life when installing sth like iTunes, MS Office, or activated your icloud Account, iphone devices etc . We didn't Fully Read (I don't) , and we don't see a huge problem so far.

But What if that apply to Programmer Life?
we have licenses - BSD, MIT, GPL, ODbl, CC
and each of them (may) have different Version, extension such as - CC-BY-SA, GPL v2.0 etc

我搵來搵去都搵唔到由hong kong 點樣處理licenses既問題,不過搵到以下內容

因為要睇曬 上面既資料都要d時間,
We will talk about OSM and their License next time.

Welcome to join the discussion =]


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