Reverse Engineering - Intro

Reverse Engineering by wiki

Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation.[1] It often involves disassembling something (a mechanical deviceelectronic component, computer program, or biological, chemical, or organic matter) and analyzing its components and workings in detail - for either purposes of maintenance or to support creation of a new device or program that does the same thing, without using or simply duplicating (without understanding) the original.

in Programmer World : it means 1.Wondering 2.Hacking  3.Cracking 

其實小學3年級既時候。。。已經做full time hacker既我地。。。你還記得幾多?

RE (reverse engineering) 其實小學雞年代已經開始應用。。。 
打pocketmon 年代,我又唔知邊到聽返來話去save隻野中間reboot部機就會多左隻copy既野。
到左我地打diablo 既時候,開頭最需要既係咩呀? 錢呀ma ,咁我地咪用非正常既方法去搵錢,game master大家仲有印象可?

跟住還有很多掛機呀,cd key gen 呀, 改機,刷rom,好多好多,好多野都同RE有關。 

Well, those things above are develop by Programmer or related to Programming
so it must be SUPER IMPORTANT to Programmer !?

姐係點樣先可以靠RE搵飯食。 而用d咩tools去幫手呢,are you breaking the law? or helping the application in a way?

This will be discuss in our next post, and we will learn by going through Flash, ios and android platform

RE Rocks !

p.s. I am trying to keep people reading while I am guessing this can be help by using different languages within paragraph. Does it help?! lol  maybe a little be of french style could do (addicted to Doulingo !) Merci!


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